Legal Disclaimer
Legal Disclaimer
This website of Web Legal Consultancy (referred to as the "Firm") is provided in compliance with the rules of the Bar Council of India. Its sole purpose is to provide information about the Firm, including its practice areas, advocates, and solicitors. This website is not intended for advertising, soliciting work, or inducing any form of engagement by the Firm or its members. Furthermore, the information presented on this website should not be considered legal advice of any kind.
The content displayed on this website is the Intellectual Property of the Firm and is protected accordingly.
Before proceeding, we kindly request that you carefully review and accept our website's Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. By clicking the "I Agree" option located at the top, you acknowledge that the information provided on this website is for your personal understanding of Web Legal Consultant, the legal firm, and its activities.
Site Notice
In accordance with the regulations of the Bar Council of India, we strictly adhere to the prohibition on soliciting work and engaging in advertising activities. By clicking the "I Agree" option located at the top, you acknowledge and agree to the following terms:
There have been no advertisements, personal communications, solicitations, invitations, or inducements of any nature from us or any of our members to solicit work through this website.
Your purpose in accessing this website is solely to obtain general information about us for your own personal knowledge and use.
The information provided on this website is solely for informational purposes at your specific request and should not be construed as solicitation or advertising.
We do not assume any liability for the consequences of any actions taken by you based on the material or information provided on this website.
If you have any legal concerns, it is your responsibility to seek independent legal advice in all cases.
By proceeding further, you confirm that you understand and accept these terms and conditions.